When was the last time you joined an online event? Never? Don’t worry if online workshops are a foreign concept to you. You’re not the only one!

Today, we’re looking at the many advantages of online events and what to do if you’re anxious about joining. We’re also highlighting exciting upcoming BAPAM sessions, so don’t forget to scroll to the bottom. Let’s get started!


Why Should You Attend Online Events?


From training sessions to workshops, BAPAM’s online events bring evidence informed practice, the latest research and performing arts health experts to your home.

If you’re unfamiliar with online sessions, you might not understand why they’re so popular — or relevant to your career. Online events are a great way to learn about new topics, nurture your skills, meet new people, and access support.

You don’t have to leave the house to tune into these digital sessions, meaning you tune in at the click of a button. Perfect.


What if You’re Nervous?


Attending online sessions can be intimidating, so you’re not alone if you feel nervous. However, with BAPAM’s online events, you can join in the conversation as much or as little as you want. Whether you want to share your thoughts in the chat box or simply want to watch with your camera off, we’re happy as long as you’re comfortable.


Can you join from anywhere?


Yes! We welcome international audience members to all our education sessions but please note that BAPAM can only provide clinical services to people who are based in the UK.  


5 Benefits of Online Sessions for Performing Arts Professionals


Wondering how online events can benefit you? Here are some quick pros of joining digital workshops.

  • Accessibility — You can join from anywhere in the world if you have a Wi-Fi connection, and a live transcript is available for participants.
  • Advice from professionals — BAPAM’s online workshops are hosted by experts in healthy creative practice, ensuring you receive high-quality, evidence informed information and trustworthy advice.
  • Connect with peers and share knowledge — Online events connect you to a diverse creative community — but only if you want! There’s no pressure to chat, but hearing others share experiences of challenges and successes, problems and the solutions that worked for them, can be reassuring and inspiring.
  • Affordable — Online events save you money on travel costs, accommodation, and other expenses associated with networking events.
  • Develop your professional & personal skills — We host events for everyone working in the performing arts – on stage, backstage, on set, in the studio, teaching, on tour, at college – we focus on practical advice and skills for healthy and sustainable creative careers, and help you maintain your best physical, vocal, hearing and mental health.

Upcoming BAPAM Sessions


BAPAM delivers expert health and well-being services to performing arts professionals. We work with professional researchers, artists, educators, clinicians, and creators to deliver empowering content.

Here are some of our upcoming online events:

31 Jan 1-2pm Stress & Burnout. Psychoeducation self-care session with Help Musicians.

Suitable for musicians who are feeling stressed or are/have experienced burnout. Lots of information on what stress is, how it can lead to burnout, what burnout looks like, how to avoid burnout and what to do if you are burnt out.

How to Prioritise Self-Care When Working in Music: Stress and Burnout – BAPAM

7 Feb 11am-1pm Mental Health with the Royal Society of Musicians.

Also suitable for musicians, this is a deep dive into mental health – what mental health is, why you might become mentally unwell, what to do and where to go and lots of advice for staying mentally well. There will also be a section on performance anxiety and breathwork for anxiety.

RSM and BAPAM Present: Healthy Minds – BAPAM

14 Feb 10:30-11:30 Career Transitions: It’s OK To Grieve. 

The first session in a brand new series of three workshops for performing artists who have had a diagnosis of an illness which will prevent them from performing. This series is there to provide support for their change in career with their mental health and some practical guidance on what transferable skills they have and employment support.

Career Transitions: Change, Loss and Playing To Your Strengths – BAPAM


The Bottom Line


Online sessions are an excellent tool for performing artists. Whether you want to learn from experts or connect with others, there’s always an upcoming event to sign up for. Remember, there’s no pressure to turn your camera on or speak. You can take online events at your own pace — and we’re always glad to have you!

See all upcoming BAPAM events now


14th Feb Help Musicians Self-care – Anxiety

20th /  21st Feb – Career Transitions: Change, Loss and Playing To Your Strengths – Reframing Your Career with Anna Detari

28th Feb Help Musicians Self-care – Self-esteem and Self-doubt

27th / 28th Feb – Career Transitions: Change, Loss and Playing To Your Strengths – What’s Next And How to Get There with Anna Detari