British Association for PERFORMING Arts Medicine

Find a Specialist Performing Arts Healthcare Practitioner: Search the BAPAM Directory 

finding the right practitioner for you

NHS services, including your GP, are essential in diagnosing, managing and improving health problems affecting your work. BAPAM can offer additional career-specific expertise to help you overcome problems and make choices about appropriate services if you need further care. We can advise you about NHS care and free BAPAM clinical services, help you find the right practitioners for additional care, and give you information about a broad range of support and resources. To find out more, or make a free appointment with one of our clinicians give us a call on 020 8167 4775 or email  

BAPAM maintains a Directory of clinical specialists and healthcare practitioners who are experienced helping performing arts patients and clients. 

Registering with BAPAM: Please call us on 020 8167 4775 to register with BAPAM. Registration is free and confidential. Many of the practitioners listed in our Directory reduce their fee for BAPAM clients.

the bapam directory: guidelines

We list both NHS and private services. However, most of the practitioners listed on our Directory are individuals who offer their services independently and privately. We check that individual practitioners are qualified, insured, have an up to date DBS certificate and are members of an appropriate professional register. We also list some companies and practices and provide additional guidance about this.

Your use of services listed on the Directory is at your own discretion and risk. Please use the feedback form below or email to tell us about your experience using our Directory. In the event of a problem, we are grateful for feedback and can give you further advice and support, but you will need to raise any complaint with the practitioner or company concerned and, if necessary, their professional body or regulator.

Before arranging to see a practitioner we recommend that you:

  • Do some research. Look at the practice website and search for additional information. Do you think they are likely to have the right skills and approach? The BAPAM team may also be able to help find more information for you.
  • Check information in advance. Ask how long it might take to get you on the road to recovery. Always check the fees you are likely to incur, including additional fees for examinations, tests, equipment or hospital fees.
  • If you’re comfortable doing so, ask around for feedback. Do any friends or colleagues have experience of the service in question?

BAPAM is a medical organisation and our Directory focuses on clinical professions. We include allied healthcare practitioners, and some educators, where there are robust professional standards, qualifications and training pathways, as well as evidence that the practice is effective in supporting performing arts clients. However, we do recognise that many people find a range of approaches helpful, outside the scope of our Directory, and we have provided some advice about this below. 

BAPAM Directory of Practitioners Feedback Form

Tell us about your experience with a healthcare professional registered on the BAPAM Directory of Practitioners

Information: BAPAM Complaints Policy

How we respond to complaints and other feedback about our services including the Directory of Practitioners

advice about health and wellbeing services not listed on the bapam directory

There are many potential benefits to improving performance health through coaching, skills-based approaches and other wellbeing modalities, particularly when delivered by professionals with experience in the performing arts sector. Examples include exercise practices like yoga and fitness training, skills for mental wellbeing like meditation and breathing techniques, life coaching, mentoring and business management support, nutritional advice, and techniques of instrumental practice, voice use or movement. Training and professional regulation, as well as the evidence base for each practice, vary widely. For this reason, it is not possible for us to list information about all of these practices on the BAPAM Directory. Some of the practitioners on our Directory who are primarily qualified in one profession may offer additional services in another area. We may include this information in the biographical information we publish, and you can find out more from their own publications and websites. BAPAM also provides custom educational services and an ongoing healthy practice training programme. 

When looking for any health or wellbeing practitioner, we recommend that you consider: 

Are they a member of a statutory or voluntary professional register? Registers such as the CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council) monitor standards and provide a complaints process if something goes wrong.

What training and qualifications do they have?

Do they have a current DBS certificate?

Do they have up to date idemnity insurance?

Do they have experience working with other creative professionals and/or have they worked in the performing arts themselves?

related information


Drop us a line

BAPAM is a Registered Charity No. 1167785
Contact us:

London Office and Clinic

British Association for Performing Arts Medicine
63 Mansell Street, London, E1 8AN



020 8167 4775

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