Ian Winspur, Obituary

Ian Winspur, Obituary

We are saddened to announce the death of our trustee and colleague, Ian Winspur, who gave invaluable expertise and wisdom to BAPAM and our patients over many years. As an expert hand surgeon specialising in the care of musicians, Ian was a leader in the development of...
How Digital Minimalism Could Benefit Performing Artists

How Digital Minimalism Could Benefit Performing Artists

Home » Featured We won’t be the first to tell you that we’re all spending more and more time online! The average UK internet user spends around six hours and eight minutes online daily. Whether for work or leisure, it’s increasingly normal to scroll online for hours....
On our Reading List: The Colour of Madness

On our Reading List: The Colour of Madness

Home » Featured As we come to the end of Mental Health Awareness Week, BAPAM’s Mental Health Ambassador, Anushka Tanna, highlights The Colour of Madness, an anthology of reflections on race and mental health that has been inspiring her work with BAPAM and our partner...
Performance Anxiety Poster

Performance Anxiety Poster

Ideal for displaying backstage, BAPAM’s performance anxiety poster shares tips for managing anxiety in the moments before going onstage. About to go on stage and feeling anxious, sick, or have shaky hands? Right now… focus on your breath. Box Breathing can...
JOIN OUR TEAM – Recruiting Helpline Administrator

JOIN OUR TEAM – Recruiting Helpline Administrator

Home » Featured We are looking for an administrator to answer calls and emails from patients contacting BAPAM. Ideally you will have administrative experience in healthcare, experience of talking to patients on the phone and an understanding of the performing arts...