Health Resources
BAPAM Welcome Pack
An introduction to key health skills and available support, including our Healthy Practice Checklist

Performance Health: A Guide for Instrumentalists

Don't Cramp Your Style: Warm Up Exercises for Musicians
Fit to Sing
Vocal health is about mind and body as well as voice
Vocal Health Care and Referral Recommendations
How and why to seek specialist clinical assessment for vocal health problems
Hearing Health
Prevent and manage hearing problems
Mental Health Support in a Crisis
Sources of immediate help
Psychological Self-Care
Keep mentally healthy, enhance your well-being and achieve your goals
Managing Performance Anxiety
Causes and symptoms of performance anxiety (stage fright) and expert advice to help manage it
Performance Anxiety Poster
Tips for managing anxiety in the moments before going onstage
Choosing a Psychotherapist or Counsellor
Patient Information: Mental Health Support at BAPAM
Accessible Mental Health Support Services
Information about a range of accessible mental health services for further support and onward care.
The Drinks are On Me
How do you manage stress, and how can you spot the signs of a drink problem?
Managing Social Media
Top tips for keeping well while using social media to your advantage
Dietary Advice for Performance Professionals
Finding a healthy balance with the food you eat
Returning to Playing and Performance After a Rest or Recovery Period
Return to play schedule for instrumental musicians
Hypermobility in the Performing Arts
The Healthy Pianist
Essential advice for piano and keyboard players
Musicians' Focal Dystonia
This resource has been developed to raise awareness of Musicians’ Focal Dystonia (MFD), also known as Task-Specific Dystonia (TSD) in musicians.
Healthy Practice Diary
Set health goals and embed healthy practice as part of your daily routine
Healthy Touring Checklist and Rider
Planning for a healthy tour
Sources of Financial and Practical Support
Organisations who may fund specialist health care and provide other support
Risk Assessment for freelancers returning to work during covid 19
Freelancers should do their own risk assessment of working environments
Guidance for Healthcare and Performing Arts
Organisations and Practitioners:
Mental Health and Wellbeing Services for Performing Artists: Guidance for the Performing Arts Sector
Hearing Conservation Guidance for the Performing Arts
Clinical Governance Toolkit
Guidance for organisations and individuals who need to ensure quality of clinical services and safeguard high standards of care
Educators Code of Practice
Professional standards for educators working with clinical practitioners
A Symphony of Good Sense
An Introduction for Physiotherapists Working with Orchestral Musicians
Supporting Physical Readiness in Orchestral Performance
Guidance for Orchestras
Drop us a line
BAPAM is a Registered Charity No. 1167785
Contact us:
London Office
63 Mansell Street, London, E1 8AN