Lydia Flock

Services, therapies, and modalities
LMT Laryngeal Manual Therapy / Vocal Massage, Singers and professional voice users, Teaching / coaching / education
Regions Covered
South East
BA in Drama, the University of Virginia, May 2018, MA in Music Theatre, the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, September 2019, Vocal Health First Aid, Vocal Health Education, July 2020, Diploma in Holistic and Deep Tissue Massage, Jing Advanced Massage Training, April 2021, Certificate in Vocal Massage and Laryngeal Manipulation, April 2021, Certificate in Advanced Clinical Massage, Jing Advanced Massage Training, September 2022
Registration, insurance and DBS checks
Current professional registration, insurance and DBS confirmed
Information (Note: telephone numbers are available via BAPAM helpline)

Lydia Flock (she/her) is a massage therapist, vocal coach, and published researcher. She was endorsed for the prestigious Global Talent Visa (under Exceptional Promise Criteria) by Arts Council England. She has published research in the peer-reviewed academic journals Voice and Speech Review and the Journal of Singing (in press). Her latest research is titled 'Developing a Vocal Manual Therapy Intervention for the Treatment of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux in Professional Voice Users: A Pilot Study of Two Elite Singers'. 

She holds an MA in Music Theatre from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and a BA in Drama from the University of Virginia (with honours). She also trained at Ithaca College’s BFA Musical Theatre programme. Lydia qualified as a Holistic & Deep Tissue massage therapist with Jing Advanced Massage Training and specialises in Vocal Massage & Laryngeal Manipulation. She is the founder of her private voice coaching company, Flockstars Coaching and works as a vocal massage therapist at the Voice Care Centre in London. Lydia highly values continued professional development and is in the process of completing her Certificate in Advanced Clinical Massage with Jing Advanced Massage Training (exp. 2022).

Lydia works with vocalists, actors, singers, speakers, and patients with any musculoskeletal voice-related issues, such as globus pharyngeus or a sense of a ‘lump’ in the throat, freeing up belt voice quality, muscle tension dysphonia, laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) symptoms, loss of range or smooth transitions between vocal registers, difficulty swallowing or swallowing disorders, jaw and tongue root tension (including TMJ), vocal tiredness or fatigue. Lydia also offers assessments in manual therapy, myofascial release, advanced stretching techniques, laryngeal manipulation and self-care exercises.