Mel Toy

Services, therapies, and modalities
Music / arts / performance health, Singers and professional voice users, Teaching / coaching / education
Regions Covered
London, South London, Online/Telephone/Remote
Merton, Wimbeldon, London / online
MSc Psychology 2019, BA Creative Musicianship 2018
Registration, insurance and DBS checks
Current professional registration, insurance and DBS confirmed
Information (Note: telephone numbers are available via BAPAM helpline)

Mel Toy is a Performance Coach, songwriter, vocalist, and researcher, holding a BA Hons in Creative Musicianship and an MSc Psychology. She provides a tailored service which helps clients understand their experiences (emotional, physical, cognitive, and behavioural) and perform with greater confidence, self-esteem, and enjoyment. Coaching sessions aim to limit the psychological inhibitions that may stem from conditions such as Performance Anxiety (stage fright/nerves) or from strategies adopted during the development and treatment of vocal injuries. Mel has supported established performance professionals and emerging artists across a variety of styles and artistic medium. Mel is also a vocal coach and singing teacher and has a special interest in working with singers and professional voice users, particularly with contemporary and musical theatre vocalists. She can help with issues relating to a lack of confidence in performing, career and artist development, artist identity exploration, performance anxiety, vocal technique concerns, and creative blocks (e.g., songwriting concerns).

Mel is currently undertaking doctoral research through the Department of Culture, Communication, and Media with University College London’s Institute of Education, investigating the ongoing implications of music performance anxiety on the wellbeing of contemporary singers.