Hannah Raine-Smith

Services, therapies, and modalities
Music / arts / performance health, Couples therapy, EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Integrative Therapy, Sports and Exercise Psychology
Regions Covered
South West, Online/Telephone/Remote
Totnes / Devon
BA Visual Art (music), BSc Integrative psycho-therapeutic counselling
Registration, insurance and DBS checks
Current professional registration, insurance and DBS confirmed
Information (Note: telephone numbers are available via BAPAM helpline)

Hannah is a psychotherapist specialising in EMDR. She has worked with a variety of creative practitioners working from violinists to singers and DJs, and can help with trauma, anxiety, depression, performance anxiety, bereavement etc. She also uses EMDR to support performance optimisation for those working in the arts, sport, business and science.