Mr Duncan Webster

Broad Category
Services, therapies, and modalities
Music / arts / performance health, Dance medicine and healthcare, Technique / ergonomics / posture / instruments / props / equipment
Regions Covered
London, Central London, South West, Online/Telephone/Remote
London, Pimlico, Devon, Saltash
MOst 2013, ITEC level 3 sports massage 2010, Barral VM1-4, 2015
Registration, insurance and DBS checks
Current professional registration, insurance and DBS confirmed
Information (Note: telephone numbers are available via BAPAM helpline)

Osteopath, Duncan Webster is a martial artist, pianist, French horn and guitar player. He works with performers - musicians, actors, dancers, singers - presenting with musculoskeletal pains linked to performance activities. Has a grounding in posture and biomechanics, pain physiology and stress.